
Monogram Handkerchief Etiquette


What is the proper order for monogram initials on a handkerchief or embroidered gift?

The order of initials depends on the type of monogram that you are embroidering, the number of letters in the monogram style and who the handkerchief or gift recipient will be. To help you answer these questions, I put together a little monogram guide. The guide is based on a traditional monogram format and to give you a point of reference. Always feel free to use any order or style that you feel is right for you or the person you are gifting to!

*Just a reminder that the order you enter the initials, is the way The Handkerchief Shop embroiders them. 

Monogramming for the Guys

Sample: Michael Daniel Smith

When letters are all the same size

Enter the letters in order First, Middle, Last.


When the center letter is larger

The last name initial is in the middle. Enter letters First, Last, Middle.


When there are only two letters

Enter the First and Last initial.


When there is only one letter

The last name or first name initial can be used.


 Monogramming for the Ladies

Sample: Katherine Michelle Corver

When letters are all the same size

Enter the letters in order First, Middle, Last.


When the center letter is larger

The last name initial is in the middle. Enter letters First, Last, Middle.


When there are only two letters

Enter the First and Last initial.


When there is only one letter

The last name or first name initial can be used.


When there is a hyphenated last name

Sample: Katherine Michelle Vincent-Corver

The married name initial is in the middle and the maiden name initial is at the end. Enter letters First, Married, Maiden. screenshot-20180716-151658.jpg

Monogramming for Brides-to-be, Grooms-to-be OR Married Couples

Samples: Michael Daniel Smith AND Katherine Michelle Corver

    Tonya Marie Loyd AND Meghan Lynn Johnson

Simon John Garcia AND Patrick David Anderson 

  When the center letter is larger and the couple has or will have the same last name

The married name (or soon-to-be married name) initial is in the middle and the couple's first name initials are on either side. Enter letters First, Married Last Name Initial, First. 


When there are two letters or a couple is keeping their last names

When using a two letter monogram, use the last name initials of the couple. Enter Last, Last.


When using this type of monogram, enter the couple's first name initials. Enter First + First.


 Shop our monogrammed handkerchiefs for men and women



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