Cleaning Vintage Linens
Posted by Colleen on 7th Apr 2017
I love looking for vintage handkerchiefs and linens at yard sales and estate sales. Unfortunately, old fabrics are not always in the best of shape and often come with stains and yellowing. Today I am sharing with you the best product to get out these stains.
Last year I was lucky enough to talk to Sharon, owner and creator of Sharon's Solution. After spending time English smocking and as a French hand sewer, Sharon discovered a way to gently clean vintage linens and lace. It was shortly after that she began selling her fabulous formula. Sharon was so nice to send me some of her Sharon's Solution formula to try on my vintage handkerchiefs. I am not exaggerating when I say it works better than ANY other cleaner that I have tried on stained vintage linens. (I even use it on my 3 year old's white dresses and shirts.) The first time I saw how well the solution worked, I was so excited that I started pulling vintage linens and tablecloths out of drawers to get them looking "like-new"! Most stains lift from the fabric in a matter of minutes or hours but for really tough stains, I let my linens sit overnight in the solution and rinse them the next morning.
If you follow The Handkerchief Shop on instagram (@the_handkerchief_shop), you saw me mix Sharon's Solution and add two badly stained handkerchiefs to the mix in my Insta stories and have been waiting for the reveal all week. If you did not catch me on Instagram, I documented my washing the vintage handkerchiefs from this past weekend below so you can see the magic for yourself. I did not use any photography filters and no editing has been done to any of the photos.
To purchase Sharon's Solution, visit, $15.99 for 6.8oz bottle.